Removing acne

« ...Treatment 1 - Aloe Vera Juice or Gel - The main reason why this is a suitable remedy for acne is of its anti-biotic properties. It is these properties which will help to fight the infection which has resulted in the acne spots or pimples forming on your skin. It is best if this is taken twice a day and normally it will take several months before you will see any improvement in the condition of your skin. It is also the anti-biotic properties in this plant which help to prevent and stop scarring of the skin....
...Whatever else you do to treat your acne at home, do not ever pop your pimples! This will spread bacteria over the rest of your face and cause more outbreaks, as well as worsening the infection in the pimple you've broken. The worse the infection is, the higher the probability of a scar. ...»
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«...You are what you eat. If you are troubled by acne, change the way you eat. That means no more oily foods, fast foods, foods with a lot of additives and other "unhealthy" foods. To treat acne, it is always better to maintain a diet that has a lot of fruits and vegetables. The nutrients in fruits and vegetables will help improve your immune system and detoxify your body. The vitamins and minerals in them also are very beneficial to your skin's general health and can prevent future acne breakouts....»
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tags: bad teen acne, which acne treatment is the best, queen helene mint julep masque with sulfur for acne