...Surgical methods of scar tissue removal may be effective for some people who are willing to run the high risks of side effects. Infections and color changes in the skin are some of the most frequent outcomes. For those who are unwilling to run the risk and have only mild acne scars, there is a new option for treating acne scars and it is completely natural and safe for everyone. ...»
Read More: best-acne-remedies.blogspot.com
«...Lemon juice and rose water, is probably the most effective solution that I have used. These two simple ingredients mixed together create a very effective solution that has helped cure a lot of acne sufferers pimples all around the world. You mix the two together, apply to your infected areas, leave on for 30 minutes (the longer, the better) then simply wash off with warm water....»
Full Text: best-acne-remedies.blogspot.com
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