What cost getting acne

« ...So, what caused blackheads? Well, blackheads are caused by clogged pores. The reason for it being black is because of a reaction that causes the discoloring. Unlike whiteheads that result in a pustule on the surface of the skin, blackheads will not cause this problem. Instead, it will be level with the skin, except that it is black in color....
...Cosmetics: Use those cosmetics which are based on oil free. Wear only little cosmetics as possible. But don't forget to remove cosmetics in every night wash your face and body with mild soap after removal of cosmetics....»
Read More: how-remove-acne.blogspot.com

«...skin and they can break out on the face, neck, and chest or throughout the body. Sometimes, the size of the pimple is so big that it causes severe pain to the affected person. Nodular acne is actually acne vulgaris which has become severe due to the lack of proper, timely treatment. To be on the safer side, natural methods are the best for acne treatment than taking drugs and chemicals which have serious side effects....»
Full Text: http://acne-types.blogspot.com

tags: acne keloid natural treatment, acne scar forum, how to treat bad acne